it was getting dark|it be get dark in English

ighttime was falling, twilight came

Use "it was getting dark|it be get dark" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "it was getting dark|it be get dark" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "it was getting dark|it be get dark", or refer to the context using the word "it was getting dark|it be get dark" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was getting dark, so we hurried home.

2. It was getting dark and I couldn't see to read.

3. It was getting dark; we had to camp out in the woods.

4. It will be a dark night.

5. It was dark at Sussman's cabin.

6. It was a dark shape, fluttering.

7. By now it was completely dark outside.

8. It was too dark to see properly.

9. I was getting into position, and everything went dark.

10. It was the middle of the dark ages.

11. 9 It was pitch dark in the attic.

12. Got it? How to get Bronde hair from dark brown hair

13. It was dark, so perhaps the curtains moved.

14. It was so dark outside that he was just able to discern the road in the dark.

15. It'll be dark before they get back.

16. Once it gets dark.

17. 23 It's getting late - I think we should turn back before it gets dark.

18. I didn't get much of an impression of the place because it was dark when we drove through it.

19. 21 It was rather dark in the flat, shut in as it was.

20. It did not get lighter, but I became Accustomed to the dark

21. For the brief space that it lasted, it was a dark transfiguration.

22. It is a dark era.

23. 25 It's quite dark,it must be after 8 o'clock.

24. It's becoming/getting cold, dark, cloudy, etc.

25. It was very small, very dark, very ugly, very incommodious.